Evernote Resources for musicians Notebook templates specially created for Musicians. |
*Minetta Media creates downloadable Notebook templates for you to use and adapt in Evernote. These are ready-made notebooks for all your song ideas / rough recordings / lyrics / copyright filings / registrations / expenses / copies of important e-mails and letters / set lists / mailing lists / CD & Merch inventory / To-Do lists / tour planning / scans of receipts / and everything else you as a musician need to keep yourself and/or your band organized. ![]() *Having automatically backed-up records of your creative output and your business affairs WILL prevent expensive mistakes later on in your career. *Purchase the entire set of Templates for only US$5 through PayPal. On receipt of your payment, we'll immediately send you a link to download the templates, plus instructions on how to import them into Evernote. When new templates are released we will e-mail you a link for FREE updates. ****OWING TO RE-CODING NECESSARY BECAUSE OF RECENT CHANGES IN EVERNOTE, THE TEMPLATES ARE CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE.**** |